General Hospital of Kefalonia

"Saint Gerasimos"
+30 26713 61100

General Hospital of Kefalonia

"Saint Gerasimos"
+30 26713 61100

For An Ambulance:

For First Aid call:


For your convenience, check below the most frequently asked questions, about the General Hospital of Kefalonia
How do we make an appointment at the Outpatient Clinics?

By phone at +30 2671 361191 or in person at the Secretariat of the Outpatient Clinics on the ground floor of the Hospital (08:00 - 14:30, Monday - Friday)

Our Location

The General Hospital of Kefallinia has an access entrance located at 17 Souidias Street, outside of which there is a taxi parking.

You can also consult the map if you use a private means of transport.

Address: Souidias 17, GR28100
Hours: Open 24/7
Tel: +30 26713 61100
6h ΥΠΕ - Υπουργείο Υγείας
Υπουργείο Υγείας
Άτλας Υγείας
Souidias str. 17, GR 28100
Argostoli, Kefalonia GREECE

Γενικό Νοσοκομείο Κεφαλονιάς